Monthly Archives: March 2010

March Full Moon Spread & Reflecting on February

Last month, I posted the February Full Moon Spread, to see what the month of March was bringing in. Tonight, the Full Moon is in Libra, allowing us to weigh things in the balance, and see how our lives measure up. So here are a few thoughts on last month’s full moon, and what it brought to me.

  • I did find a lot of self-control over the month, as I reviewed what was important in my life, and how to go about it. Finding the right things that work for me and my family.
  • I did spend some time walking down memory lane this month, dealing with old, underlying feelings. While nothing changed on the outside, I did find new levels of peace within myself.
  • I did let go of the past, in a sense, by forgiving myself and others involved, via freewriting and EFT techniques – yes, the tapping thing. I know very little about it, but I found it to be effective.
  • I have continued to walk down my own spiritual pathway, and taken necessary steps to help myself and others live a happy life they deserve.

Now, onward with this month’s reading! Using the World Spirit Tarot, with the same full moon spread as last month, to see how I’m progressing.

1. What can be seen with clarity, so bright it could blind you. – Ten of Wands

A man is huddling underneath a pile of ten wands that have fallen over on him. He could no longer carry their weight, and he is still in the field, far from town. A sun sets in the distance, against the backdrop of the town.

I have been dealing with a lot this month, even if it isn’t work related, as the Wands suit would suggest. My girls have been sick the past few days, and I’m likely to catch it too. I’ve been playing with new ideas for the website, and haven’t come to a decision on a lot of them. Too much going on, and therefore nothing getting done. Exhausting just to think about, isn’t it?

2. What is completed, what closes a cycle. – Eight of Cups

A man walks away in the distance, with his walking stick, hat, and backpack, along a beach shoreline at night. Everything is cloaked in shadows. Three cups stand on the beach, while the reflection shows five upside down cups. Even though he had plenty, there was something missing, something more he needed to pursue.

The Eight of Cups is the perfect closing a cycle card! It often means moving on, pursuing higher goals, and not being satisfied with the status quo. However, if all of that is completed, that means that I done with being dissatisfied. I am no longer running from my emotional state, and instead staying in place, deciding what I could do better, here at home.

3. What begins to fade away, to darken, to abandon you…or what needs to do so. – Ace of Pentacles

A large yellow and black pentacle hovers within a wooden yoni with flowers, morning glories, intertwining around it. The sun and moon are on either side of it, indicating a world of opportunities, just waiting to be explored.

I have had a great month of material blessings! This new beginning naturally needs to grow into greater opportunities, and it is within my power to move up the chain of pentacles, finding what else is in store for me, my household, and my finances. I am in a good position to move on from the blessing of a single pentacle, to making it expand and grow.

0. Yourself. The Shadow Card. – Five of Wands

Two men fight in the street, wands clashing, each holding another at their side. A broken wand lies discarded between them, and a rooster is alarmed at their fighting in the middle of town. They both appear smiling, enjoying the thrill of the competition, the sparring.

I am ready to fight for what I believe in, what is necessary to improve my life. To stand up and compete for what is right, what is needed most. While it may be a friendly competition, I still need to give it all I’ve got, to hold my position and to succeed. This can especially be true in deciding which opportunities to choose from the Ten of Wands to pursue to increase my blessings from the Ace of Pentacles.

What does the Full Moon bring you? Try out this spread, and let me know how it turns out!


Acting the Tarot Fool

A reading for myself from Rachel Pollack’s Tarot Wisdom, regarding how the fool appears in each of our lives, using the Gilded Tarot.

1. How have I been a Fool in my life? – Eight of Swords

A blindfolded woman, hands bound and surrounded by swords. She believes herself to be trapped, but if she only leaned over and cut her ties by one of the swords, she would be free. Her thoughts convince her of this supposed truth, and she becomes a victim of her own mind, instead of her apparent captors, who are no longer present. By not seeing what the swords really are, and what really surrounds her, she dare not make a move, for fear of mistake and harming herself. A bit of courage and realization would improve her situation dramatically.

Insights: I tend to box myself in via my thoughts, and consequently my lack of action. This foolish behavior causes more harm to myself than any other outside influence.

2. How has it helped me? – Ten of Swords

A man lays face down in a grassy field, with a deer looking on. Above him are ten swords surrounded by a pillar of light, poised to rend him asunder. Three birds fly away in the distant skies. He already appears unconscious, if not dead, and the swords will add as much insult as they will injury. He appears without hope, and there is no one to save him from his fate. His thoughts have toppled him completely, leaving him at the fate of mercy. Will the swords finally fall? Or will something help him along, out of the swords’ paths?

Insights: My foolish, boxed-in thoughts bring me to a bitter end, but also learning to rely on other people, or even trusting in fate or a higher power. I cannot do everything on my own, and need to trust that others will support me in my time of need, when everything looks bleak.

3. How has it hurt me? – King of Pentacles

The King sits on his golden throne casually, one knee resting over the other. He holds a golden scepter, and looks up and over his shoulder at the starry sky. His throne is a giant pentacle. Below him is a field surrounded by bushes. His cape is green with gold overlay, and purple tights. He looks bored, but interested in the world around him. He yearns for something more, dreaming of the next big thing to enter his life. He does not seem concerned with what he has so far, it is accumulation rather than appreciation. With no subjects to rule, no living creatures, he has plenty of time to dream.

Insights: Foolish thoughts lead to foolish deeds, and I have mishandled money, finances, and my kingdom. Being lost in thought prevents me from seeing the bounty all around me, and from managing it wisely. I would do better to pay attention to my surroundings, and enjoy all that life has given me so far.

4. Where in my life do I need to be more Foolish? – Ace of Wands

A gold overlaid wand shoots fire into the sky, against the backdrop of an orange planet and dark clouds. Two large hands appear to cradle the wand, although it does not appear to be touching the hands. The wand is alone, but exudes great amounts of energy. While it is channeled energy, it is not controlled. The hands appear cautious to hold it, but earnestly wanting to. One single lightning bolt seems to sneak out of one of the clouds and onto the wrist of one hand. The wand is a conduit to great amounts of power, attracting like forces from the heavens.

Insights: I need to leap foolishly into my creative projects, following my inspiration wherever it leads. I need not hold back, and instead ride the wave of power when it enters my life. Hesitation thwarts electric creative energy.

5. Where will the Fool not serve me? – Page of Cups

The young man looks away from the glowing cup in his hand. He has a casual attitude toward it, as though it did not bother him in the least that it has been entrusted to it. He stands before a golden archway, with vines growing up one side and a potted plant on the other. His attitude is cool and measured, as if he is not ready to explore what it has to offer. Although life is growing all around him, he has not yet taken the steps to live his own life. He waits to see what will develop on its own, at a natural pace.

Insights: I ought not develop a devil-may-care attitude to my emotional quests. While a fool may lightly traipse by a chance to explore his heart and emotions, I can take the time to explore my emotional depths, and see what develops. Ignoring emotions leads to blockages and pain.

6. Where do I find the Fool outside myself? – Two of Pentacles

A traveler stands in the reeds along a shoreline, juggling two pentacles amidst a rainbow emanating from his hands.  In the moonlit distance a single boat appears, with a dolphin alongside. He is wholly focused on his task, and not seeing the beautiful scene behind him, or the opportunities presented. Yet his work is not pointless, it brings forth beauty and results. He is well-dressed and exudes a certain level of comfort and wealth. Yet what does that ship hold for him? Unless he looks away, he will never know for sure.

Insights: I have seen others carefully balancing their work and home lives. However, I yearn for more opportunities, and have decided to be self-employed. Their struggle, while beautiful for them, is not for me. I cannot live my life in the workaday grind.

7. What gifts does it bring me? – Six of Pentacles

Body, Mind, Spirit – In a Funk

Lately, I’ve found myself out of my normal rhythms. Rather contemplative, moving at about a snail’s pace, and generally not feeling enthusiastic about how things are going. Which is especially odd, considering that things are going pretty good overall! Tarot Musings now has a Facebook Fan Page, and we’re doing a lot to improve our situation at the moment. The enthusiasm has vanished out the window, unfortunately.

To evaluate what’s going on with me, and how I can improve it, I’m doing a Body Mind Spirit tarot spread with the World Spirit tarot. This will give me a chance to change things, and finally get the oomph to move forward.

Body – Justice: The blindfolded lady balances her hands on a large sword. Above her, a sun shines on two pillars, holding the scales on one side, and a burning book of law on the other. The sense here is balance, karma, and repercussions. If I don’t take care of my health, my body will show it by being lethargic and unresponsive. Good health also stimulates the mind, so I can make wise decisions about my health and activities. A balance needs to be established here, to set the scales aright.

Mind – The Chariot: A well dressed man stands in his chariot, holding a spear. He smiles down at the two zebra-like creatures with fish tails! Behind him in the field are the shadows of a hawk and a panther. The emblem of the chariot contains a moon within a sun. This is the more active part of Cancer (my Sun sign) and shows tenacity, drive, and holding everything together. My mind has been so busy trying to hold everything together, that it has lost its forward motion. Striking a balance can lead to apathy, if no progress can be seen. While I’ve been enjoying the slower pace, underneath I’m craving action!

Spirit – Two of Cups: The two people have their arms intertwined, lifting their cups to the heavens. In each of their other hands they hold a flower. Heaven seems to approve, as a blue haired figure sits in the clouds to the left, while a Pan-like red haired figure sits to the right. Their celebration is held in a clearing in a field, filled with various types of mushrooms, and one snake surveying the scene. Spiritually, my man and I have been very close lately, as he has taken an interest in the tarot as well! I am very happy with his developments there, and am enjoying the love and support that he always brings me. The sense of balance continues here, that while we are very much in tune, that the balance needs a little shaking up to move forward.

Overall: An over-balanced life can be relaxed by loosening the reins and growing from my base of emotional support.

While balance is often sought, it can cause stagnation. Nothing ventured, nothing gained! I will find progress in my life when I’m willing to give up the comfort of balance and press forward to reach my goals.

What do you do when your life gets too balanced? How do you create that push to move forward?


Tarot Deck Collecting

Lately, I’ve been expanding my tarot deck collection. No, I haven’t bought out half the decks in existence – not even close! But via trades and some well-timed purchases, I’ve expanded my collection to a whopping 15 decks. My love of tarot has finally spilled over to my man, who now has three decks in his possession. Tarot deck collecting is addictive! And a lot of fun. Seventy-eight works of art that fit in your pocket, priceless!

So, I’ll do a quick recap of what decks are in my possession, and give you a taste of what to expect in the upcoming readings I do with them. Surprisingly, or not so surprisingly, each deck has it’s own reading style and personality, and it always amazes me when I meet a new one and establish a connection. It’s like meeting a perfect stranger and talking for hours!

My Tarot Deck Collection, At the Moment

Rider Waite Smith: The classic tarot deck that set the standard for scenic pip cards. While not my favorite, it is strikingly accurate, and works extremely well in meditation. We have a love-hate relationship!

Thoth: Aleister Crowley’s infamous legacy! We haven’t spent a lot of time together as of late. Yet I know it has a lot in store for me. It just seems to be speaking in a different language! I’m sure one of these days, it’ll all just click in one giant wave.

Fenestra: A beautiful deck that adheres closely to RWS meanings. I find it very soothing and comforting, and tend to use for emotional issues and spiritual healing.

Gilded: Another deck that walks the RWS, with lovely details brought to life by Ciro Marchetti. There is more here than appears at first glance, and the first glance is gorgeous! It is my “first” tarot deck, and already well-loved and well-used.

Deviant Moon: A darker, yet wildly creative deck! Not for the faint of heart, this deck leaves you wanting more – in a good way! I hear tell of a number of decks in the works from Patrick Valenza, and rest assured I will be happily adding them to the collection.

Paulina: Elegant and full of details! I love it so much, for the artwork and it is a very readable deck as well. Light and whimsical, it always cheers me up to read with it, even when the message isn’t as pleasant.

Bohemian Gothic: A rare find indeed! Another darker deck, it forces me to look underneath the surface and reach the true source of the issue at hand. The second edition is going to be published soon, from what I understand, with quite a few changes. Excitement!

Mythic: This deck has haunted me. I suspect I saw it mentioned in a library when I was younger, but I honestly cannot remember. While I’m not as familiar with all the legends, it still reads beautifully, and sends me back to a different phase of my life.

Legend: Arthurian: This well-loved deck came to me in less than ideal condition. However, I want to learn more about the Arthur mythos, and look forward to getting to know this one!

Animals Divine: An instant keeper! I love animals, and found an immediate connection with this deck. It draws you in, and although it is “just” animals, portrays the meanings of the cards very well. Loving it!

Fairy Tale: Not to be confused with the Fairytale tarot by Baba Press, this one was made by the creator of the Animals Divine. The artwork is beautiful here too, although I’m not as familiar with all of these stories either. Clearly, I have a lot of reading to do!

World Spirit: The art was created via wood carvings! What’s not to love? But seriously, a fun, inviting, and original deck. It is a tad thick for my smaller hands, but a real pleasure to read with.

Necronomicon: A very dark deck based off of Lovecraft’s writings. Not one I would recommend lightly, but powerful imagery that is rich with meaning. It’s a love it or leave it kind of deck, and I’m not sure which side I’m on just yet. Time will tell.

Ship of Fools: A fool on every card gives “The Fool’s Journey” a whole new meaning! I didn’t know what to expect with this one, but it’s black and white line drawings force you to pay more attention to the cards’ details, and enhance the reading experience.

Golden Tarot of Klimt: The Bling-bling deck! Gold foil highlights this deck, which gives very pointed and meaningful readings. The people populating this deck are very startling to my Americanized eyes, but add a lot of depth. This one won’t leave my side easily!

Whew! That’s a lot, and doesn’t count the ones that are still in the mail! After those arrive, I’ve got to take more time getting to know the ones I’ve got, rather than accumulating more. Once you dive into the world of acquiring tarot decks, you’ll find it difficult to stop.

Happy tarot hunting!


Mars Goes Direct, and the Spring Twist

Mars direct is a happy thing to see, after all this muddled, frustrated energy cropping up in inopportune places. Last night, I stayed up until three in the morning, listening to our first thunderstorm of Spring. This morning, our weather was in the fifties, and ninety percent of the snow has melted. The air feels fresher, cleaner, and ready for new growth.

Spring Twist – Body, Mind and Spirit

So, in honor of the first heralds of Spring, and because I’m no longer considering Winter as an option, I’m stepping up the traditional three card spread of Body, Mind and Spirit. Rather than just evaluate where I’m at in this moment, I will ask the cards “Where is there room for new growth in my body, my mind and my spirit?”

Although I’m loving my Bohemian Gothic, I’m switching out for a lighter, more Spring-like tarot deck for this spread. So here comes my Tarot of the Hidden Folk, up to the challenge!

1. Body – Queen of Swords: This lady is quick and discerning, making her decisions according to logic and reason. No plea bargaining here! I have a lot of poor health habits, and this Spring I can make a conscious effort to cut them out of my life. I can list the pros and cons, make daily goals and checklists, any mental practice to get in the right frame of mind and get healthy!

2. Mind – Temperance XIV: This card strays from traditional imagery, featuring a winged mermaid swimming with two water jugs, deep under the ocean. The message remains the same: combine two opposing elements to create a new, exciting third element. My mind tends to wander off into two directions. Either the mental chattering of worrisome thoughts, or the overemotional depths that threaten to wash me away. This Spring I have the potential to synthesize my mental state into a cohesive, goal oriented, driven whole!

3. Spirit – Death XII: The result of natural changes, Death shows the need for Winter before Spring. It encourages me to continue on my spiritual path, making the changes in my life that come naturally after study and contemplation. Old ways of thinking and living need to die off so that new seeds of spiritual insights can grow.

I am very excited to see what the upcoming weeks hold! This tarot reading reminds me to start fresh, cut out old deadwood, and allow myself to explore what life and living means to me.
