~Tarot Knowledge at Your Fingertips~

Daily Draw: Nine of Wands

Eight of the nine wands seem to fence this Paulina Tarot creature in, providing both his support and his defense. He holds the ninth across his body, which has been bandaged around his chest and head. He has a look of shock or fear on his face, his eyes wide open. He is ready to face whatever challenge is coming next, although he is wounded and unaware of what the next obstacle might be.

Morning Musings

This card can indicate a success, after a lot of hard work. Personally, I see this one as determination and grit. Don’t give up, no matter how highly the odds are stacked again you! There is light at the end of the tunnel, eventually. But it feels much further away than it actually is.

This morning has already brought indications of this struggle. I woke up to find the kitchen in complete disarray as the kids decided to make themselves “breakfast”, consisting of leftover chicken and mashed potatoes. Ugh. If they would just come back and wake me up, I’d be more than happy to take care of it myself, just to avoid the mess! Or they could at least just sleep in for once.

Evening Review

Looking back on today, I have absolutely no idea how today fits in with the Nine of Wands! Oh well, maybe it was just applicable to the morning mess.

This afternoon, I spent time on the Aecletic Tarot Forum, getting comfortable over there. There’s a lot of good stuff going on right now, and I may blog about some of it from time to time.

I did a Full Moon Reading from a spread that I found over there, with my Bohemian Gothic Tarot. Great stuff, and a solid beginning to March!

Speaking of March, tomorrow morning the March TM TarotCasts will be posted! I made a nifty button over in the right sidebar, so even if you don’t catch them immediately, you can refer to any month’s TarotCast at any time! Feel free to stop by and leave comments throughout the month, letting me know if the readings were accurate.

Also, I discussed the possibility of going to next year’s Reader’s Studio with my man, since it is highly unlikely I could afford to go this year. He thinks it’s a great idea, and would actually be willing to go with me. Not the response I expected at all! He’s pretty indifferent to the tarot cards in general, but wants to spend time with me doing something that I love. Actually, now that I think about it, that is a victory indeed. Insert cheesy music here.

How do your Nine of Wands days turn out? Do they bring you only struggle, or a victory as well?


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